hum studios™
Interactive & accessible meditation, mindfulness & compassion classes for all ages & abilities.

Welcome to hum studios.™ We are so glad you found us.
Come join us for interactive, immersive storytelling & healing filled class. Engage in learning, build curiosity, develop emotional understanding and regulation, while connecting to creative pathways – created to build you and your child‘s inner strength, knowing and peace. These classes & community is open to all people of all backgrounds and abilities.
Our hum studios classes are designed and tailored to address the 3 intelligences. Mental or cognitive intelligence, emotional intelligence, and inner intelligence. Our class offerings and community offer support to help you & your child develop the skills required to remain curious, resilient, and calm through the day in all areas of life, including in: educational, professional, and personal areas.
Let’s explore & grow together. We offer creative arts pathways to holistic learning & wellness for all ages and abilities. Beginners are welcome.
We invite you to explore the various offerings at hum studios ™ as we embark on a mission to provide accessible meditation, mindfulness & compassion, creative arts, & wellness infused classes to people of all ages and abilities.
We welcome you into this community of diverse and curious learners, collectively seeking nourishment and active engaged learning.
Right now, we are offering hum studios ™ Let’s Mediate, Breathe & Create – LIVE classes – both in-person & remote options available via zoom. We can also create a hum studios’ tailor made programs for your school, hospital, organization, patients or staff.
To learn more & reserve your spot. Email:; Subject Line: hum studios