Functional Nutrition
By Appointment Only
Contact Dr. Pallay Directly

Dr Howard L Pallay
NYS Certified Nutritionist & Licensed Chiropractor in NY, NJ, CT, SC
295 Northern Blvd, Suite 103, Great Neck, NY 11021
Contact for Appointment: 516.627.1415 |
My name is Dr Howard L Pallay, and I have practiced Chiropractic, Cranial Sutural Therapy and Advanced Functional Nutrition on the North Shore of Long Island in Manhasset and Great Neck for 40 years. I have been in Mademoiselle Magazine, Sweet Sixteen Magazine, Fox GoodDay NY TV and cable TV , all about Nutrition.
I have worked with many challenged children within the Autism spectrum, speech issues, allergic, brain coordination issues, chronic ear infections, ADD, ADHD, and more. I find that the vast majority of these children have major issues with their digestive tract with Leaky Gut Syndrome as well as Malabsorption Syndrome.
I evaluate and treat these patients on an individual basis, because there are definitely patterns and commonalities that we look for, they mostly have their own unique combination of problems. My tools are mostly my experience and study over many years, but I also rely on Applied Kineasolgy muscle testing, direct palpation of the organ systems, or “Laying on of Hands”. I also do a Chiropractic Structural and Neurological Assessment, and a Cranial Sutural Evaluation.
Along with Chiropractic, Cranial, Digestive tract evaluation, I also am concerned with these children’s Hormonal Balance, Immune System Integrity, and Allergic Tendancies, and finally Toxicity involving the Liver Function and heavy metal and toxin exposures.
The basis of my work is Functional Nutritional Re-Balancing, where I evaluate Organ and Organ System Function as I try to aid the patient’s body in regaining “Homeostatic Balance,” or their body’s own ability to self-regulate its various functions.
The treatment nutritionally is non-invasive, using only natural products especially Vitamins, Minerals, Enzymes, Co-enzymes, Probiotics, oils, and very careful use of tried and true herbal therapy. It is important to note that there is an over-emphasis in the nutriceutical field today on herbal supplements, which are all drugs in their medicinal effects. In fact, almost all drugs are derived from, extracted from, or are synthetic copies of herbal medications. As such, they need to be used carefully and efficaciously under supervision, and not for extended periods of time. And, as with all Medicines, there is basically no research on use of multiple herbals and interactions and side effects from use of multiple medications, especially in the at risk populations of the very young, the very old, and the very sick.
Consultation, Treatment & Examination: $100 per session
Supplements provided at additional costs.